Leeds and Liverpool Canal

Leeds and Liverpool Canal

Brief description of fishery:
BCAA members have access to various lengths of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal in West Yorkshire.  These sections are:

1. Between Bingley and Esholt: 7000m on the towpath side, from Dowley Gap Changeline Bridge (Bridge 206) to Field Staircase Locks.

2. At Apperley Bridge on the towpath side from Idle Swing Bridge (212) to Thornhill Bridge (214B), about 1 mile.


3. At Apperley Bridge: adjacent to filter beds by Calverley cutting bridge (50m length), and from the eastern end of the boat moorings to the end of Rodley Wood (1000m length).
Open for fishing:
All year round.
Special Rules for this fishery:
Members are required to show their Yearbooks to bailiffs of both Saltaire AC and Bradford City AA, on request, for jointly-fished lengths of the canal.
No fishing between 25 ft of locks or swing bridges.
Other remarks
Keepnets allowed


Online Google Maps links: BCAA Leeds & Liverpool Canal fisheries

Access and Parking (see maps):

Bingley to Shipley

Approach via Dowley Gap Lane or Primrose Lane and park just north of the canal.  Access the upstream end of the fishing via footpaths from Dowley Gap lane or Primrose Lane.

Alternatively, park at Hirst Wood.  Access both upstream and downstream fishing along the canal, from the other side of the bridge.

Pedestrian access is also possible at Salts Mill, and where Salts Mill Road, Victoria Street, Otley Road and Dock Lane cross the canal.

Further parking and access is available at Oddies’ Bridge, at the downstream end of the fishery.

Shipley to Esholt

Approach this stretch via Dockfield Road, and pass under the bridge at the end.  Park at Oddies’ Bridge, at the upstream end of the fishery.

Alternatively, park on Thackley Road, and access the fishing upstream or downstream via the footpath at the end of the road, down the hill to the canal.

Apperley Bridge

Approach via Harrogate Road and Parkin Lane, cross the canal, and park in Calverley Cutting. Access the fishery by paths from either side of the road. Alternatively, to fish the tow path side, you might be able to park in Apperley Road by Apperley Bridge Playing Fields and walk across the field.


Open all year



  • Perch
  • Pike
  • Roach
  • Tench