Oakworth Ponds

Oakworth Ponds

Brief description of fishery:
This fishery is situated near Oakworth, about 5 miles from Keighley.  The lakes were acquired by Bradford City AA in 2011 from the previous owners, a private syndicate.
The fishery consists of two purpose-built ponds, stocked with a range of species. Sited at an altitude of 300m, it starts fishing best in late Spring and tails off again at the end of the year.
An otter fence was erected in 2018, to guard against predation.
Open for fishing:
All year round.
Special Rules for this fishery:
1. Fishing with one rod only allowed
2. No night fishing.
3. No spinning allowed.
4. The outside gate of the otter fence must be kept locked at all times.
5. The inside gate of the otter fence must be kept closed at all times.
6. Members can only fish from pegs which are numbered. Safe areas for the fish, which do not carry numbered pegs, must be respected at all times.
7. For their own safety, and to protect the trees and other plantings, members must only use the paths around the ponds which have been strimmed.
5. Under no circumstances must any filters be removed from lake outlets.
Other remarks:
It is vitally important that all gates are closed immediately after use, and on entering and leaving the fishery.
The gate is locked with a combination padlock.  Members can access the code from the rear of their membership card or within their personal membership section on the website. The code will be changed annually so please check.
Per BCAA coarse fishing rules, any carp of over 1 lb in weight must not be kept in keepnets, but must be released immediately after capture.
Larger lake – crucian and common carp, tench, rudd, bream, perch, chub and ide.
Smaller lake – roach, perch and barbel, with a small head of carp.


Online Google Maps link:  BCAA Oakworth Ponds fishery

Online map link

Nearest postcode:

BD22 0QN (250m west of entrance to fishery, on Broadhead Lane)

There is a car park immediately above the upper/smaller lake.


Access the fishery from Broadhead Lane and follow the track down the hill to the car park.

A combination code is required to gain entry to this fishery. Members can access the code from the rear of their membership card or within their personal membership section on the website. The code will be changed annually so please check.


Other remarks:

It is vitally important that both gates in the otter fence are closed immediately after use, on entering and leaving the fishery.



Bottom/larger lake

  • Crucian Carp
  • Common Carp
  • Tench
  • Rudd
  • Bream
  • Perch
  • Chub
  • Ide

Top/smaller lake

  • Roach
  • Perch
  • Barbel
  • Small head of carp