River Wharfe - Appletreewick.

Brief description of fishery:

About 400m of fishing on the left bank of the River Wharfe (looking downstream) at the west end of  the village of Appletreewick, parallel with Mason’s caravan park . The top and bottom limits are marked by notice boards. As with all BCAA waters, this is strictly a Catch & Release fishery. Only barbless or de-barbed flies may be used.

The fishing bounds the one field immediately upstream of the entry to Mason’s campsite.

Open for fishing:

25th March to the following 14th March

Catch returns:
After fishing please complete on-line Catch Returns for this water, it’s easy and helps with fishery development. Catch return input can also be done via the members section.

Special Rules for this fishery:
1. Anglers are allowed to fish with one rod only.
2. Fly fishing or trotting within the appropriate seasons
3. No keepnets are allowed


Online Google Maps link:  BCAA Appletreewick fishery

Nearest postcode:
BD23 6DD (Mason’s Camp Site)


Parking may be available at Mason’s Camp Site, when open, on payment of a charge. The site is open from Easter to 31 October from 8am to 6pm and 8pm during school holidays.  On arrival, go to the office in the Airstream caravan for directions as to where to park.

No parking on the Appletreewick to Burnsall road, but members may park at Burnsall Bridge and walk down the path when the campsite is closed.

Water levels:
Level gauge at Grassington 5 miles upstream



  • Brown trout
  • Grayling